MOPS Tuesdays are always a bit frantic around my house. Having to get up earlier, (who am I kidding I'm usually up early) get both girls dressed, fed and out the door by 8:30am. And that's not on a day when I have to bring food - we won't even go there!
And can I just say that feeding a baby takes way too long! Ellia is easy just sit her in her highchair give her the food & let her go. She takes care of the rest very easily. Addie on the other hand, I have to put a bib on her, mix the baby cereal, add the fruit to the cereal mixture & then begin the slow process of feeding it to her. Ahhhh!
Anyways, today was a great day at MOPS. We had the Moppet workers join us as we honored them for hard work & dedication to our children. Without all of them we wouldn't be able to have MOPS 2x a month. (Don't worry our children weren't left to fend for themselves, although I'm sure a few of them would've enjoyed that. Mentor moms & special volunteers for the day stepped into make this day possible)
I gave a brief testimony of what MOPS has meant to me this year. Of how I've met so many fun ladies, made some great crafts, heard some awesome speakers, learned how I am not alone when I think I'm going crazy, laughed, cried, ate lots of great food, ("I've gained like 10lbs this year at mops" as someone said at my table) and all while my two sweet babies were being cared for by these loving volunteers. What an amazing gift each of these teachers have given all us MOPS moms.
One of our Moppet workers had this to say afterwords "The MOPPETs appreciation was fabulous. The food was delicious, the gifts were so generous, but the best part of all was hearing from the moms, how much MOPS makes a difference in their lives.
Thanks for making us volunteers feel so loved."
Don't take for granted all those nursery volunteers that watch our children on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesday evenings or Tuesday MOPS meetings. For with out them we wouldn't be able to enjoy these special times in the Lords house.
Have you hugged your Moppet worker today?