Friday, July 24, 2009

MOPS outing Fun

On Tuesday we had a MOPS play date at Willis Tucker Park. It was so much fun to see everyone, chat about our summers so far, eat & let the kids get wet. But boy did it get HOT and fast!

But a fun time was had by all.

Stay tuned for more details about the next play date.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Raspberry Picking Play date

On Wednesday we met at Remlinger Farms to go Raspberry picking. We had a small turn out but it was a lot of fun. Sabrina Bertrand & her girls were there. Along with Jana Meyers and her kids, Alana O'Reilly & Bella and Myself - Gina Detlor & my whole family. I dragged my husband along on his day off.

For $2.00 a pound we picked till our hearts were content or our box was full. Tip: don't let you box get to full, it smashes the berries. Lesson learned the hard way.
Below are a few pictures of our fun day.

Stay tuned for next MOPS play date information & pictures.

Ally Bertrand & Ellia Detlor picking

Raychel Bertrand picking & Addie Detlor wishing she could pick

Alana O'Reilly picking with Alana, who was more interested in stealing the berries out of other's boxes rather than picking them.

Jana Meyers & her children talking with the Bertrand girls.