Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cookie Exchange - Fri Dec 11th

Don't forget the Cookie/Goodie exchange this Friday Dec 11Th.
Friendship room at Cedar Park
Bring 1 dozen to share & 15 separate bagged treats with the recipe attached.

Tuesday December 1st

Our speaker this past MOPS was Donna Liddle. She is a fellow MOPS mom, grandmother, speaker, and runs the Hannahs House.

She came to our last meeting and spoke on "Worthy to Be Loved"

You are precious in My sight
You are honored and I love you.
Isaiah 43:4 NASB

Her words were very important for us to remember as moms. That we should not find our identity in the world, other moms, family members etc but from the Lord. Our biggest desire is to be loved.

But in order to learn to love ourselves we must first realize that we have flaws and imperfections. We must fully accept ourselves and then we will be ready to receive love & to be the woman God wants us to be. Loving ourselves is learning to accept our human vulnerabilities.