The Mentor mom's are Margy Grenell, Georgia Harlowe, Judy Marshall, Colleen Stephen, Galene Divine, Sandy Hoflin and Margo Ritchie.
Here are a few tid bits they shared with all of us & a few other mom's shared as well:
- Teach manners one at a time till each one is learned. Don't overwhelm your children while trying to teach them.
- Are you making it better or worse? Have your children ask themselves this when they are fighting with siblings. It causes them to have to think about their actions.
- Each time they say something mean to another sibling make them say something nice about that sibling.
- One of the mentor mom's said that she realized a long time ago that the day's she tried to be Martha Stewart seemed to be the worse days. Be yourself & set realistic expectations for each day with your children.
- Pray, pray, pray, pray on those bad days
- You as the mom make the choice to be cheerful each and every morning. Your children will react to how you are reacting. Remember it's a choice.
- Focus on the kids in the room and not the room itself. (such a good one)
- On how to get kids to eat veggies & fruit - Colleen suggested while you are cooking dinner to give your children the fruit or veggies first. It's like their appetizers - we eat them why not allow them too. Then you have gotten the important stuff in and when it's dinner time they aren't starving & they will eat the other stuff.
- "He who remains flexible does not get bent out of shape"
- On how to get on the same page with your husband - Recognize each parent's strengths and balance out the fun guy with the structure guy. It's okay to let Dad be the fun guy if you're at home all day being the structure one. Kids need balance between the two.
- Finally, begin praying now for your children's spouse & your grandchildren. It will make a difference later on.
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