This past Tuesday we had the pleasure of having Marlene Shirley , a personal trainer come & teach us a 12 minute Circuit Training work-out. I don't know about the rest of the ladies but I was sore the next day. This 12 minute work-out is simply amazing. And only 12 minutes - we can all fit 12 minutes into our day. Enjoy!
Circuit Training 12 Minute Work-Out
Mountain Climb – push up position, alternate knee to chest. Keep bottom down and core muscles tight. Head in line with your spine.
Tri-cep Dip - palm of your hands on a chair, dip down and raise up squeezing triceps at the top.
Lunge Jumps – start with hands on hips, legs in lunge position w/right leg front – jump and switch legs. Advanced move…place arms straight over your head. Keep your core muscles tight.
Bi-cep Curls – use 3, 5, or 8lbs weights. Keep elbows in at sides and keep your core tight.
Reverse Lunge – start w/legs together and hands on hips. Kick right leg back and lunge, bring legs back together. Intermediate: when bringing leg back from lunge bring knee up. Advanced: when bringing leg back from lunge kick to the front. Add either hand weights or ankle weights for a harder work-out. (Ankles and knees should be aligned.)
Over head press on one leg – stand on one leg holding core muscles tight. Have weights in hands and press weights above your head.
Jump Squats - Start in squat position with bottom out and knees over ankles. Hands on hips and jump from your squat position and land in squat position. . Keep core muscles tight and chest up, looking straight ahead when jumping and landing. Advanced: when jumping bring arms straight overhead and when landing touch the floor with hands
Front Raises – Start in a squat position with legs shoulder width apart. Use 3, 5, or 8lbs hand weights and slowly raise and lower arms in front of body, raise arms to shoulder height . Keep arms straight but don’t lock elbows. Keep core muscles tight.
Ball Bridge – Lay on your back with the heels of your feet on an exercise ball, knees bent. Lift your hips to the ceiling until only your shoulders are touching the floor. Lift and lower your body keeping your arms at your side for balance. Keep core muscles tight. Intermediate: Straighten legs. Advanced: lift one leg off the ball and lift and lower body on one leg.
Push-ups – Knees on the floor holding core muscles tight. Don’t hang your head make sure that your head is in line with your spine. Intermediate: Knees off floor. Advanced: One foot off the floor.
Planks - Go down on elbows and toes. Keep head in line with your spine. Hold core muscles tight. Intermediate: take one foot off the floor.
Wall Sits – Go to the wall and put back against wall and go to a sitting position as if you’re sitting on a chair. Keep your knees over your ankles. Hold core muscles tight. Intermediate: add weights and do bi-cep curls or simply hold weights on top of knees. Advanced: lift one leg out in front of you.
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