Thursday, November 20, 2008

11-18 Meeting

On Tuesday we had a great time of fellow shipping, eating great food of course, hearing a guest speaker and a craft.
The guest speaker was Kathy Seregow. She is a pre-school teacher, pastor's wife & a mom. She was just wonderful to listen to.

The craft was simple one - decorating envelopes to hold our coupons in. And then we put all the envelopes on a ring for easy handling. I had to leave before MOPS was over so I didn't get to see some of the finished projects. Above are mine that I did this morning.

Kathy spoke on Gratitude/Gratefulness. A few things jumped out at me that were said and I will share those with you:
  • You will never coast into Joy but you must take it by the horns.
  • Di satisfaction happens when our focus shifts from what we have to what we don't have.
  • Albert Einstein said "There are two ways to live, As if nothing is a miracle and As if everything is a miracle.
And I loved what she said about prayer. "You will never be a prayer warrior at 65 if you aren't praying now. Wow - That is so true.

One of the last thing's she did was challenge us to take 5 minutes a day and spend it with the Lord. I know we all get busy, but 5 minutes is possible if we just set it aside.

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