Sunday, November 30, 2008
MOPS will be gearing up for Christmas starting this Tuesday, December 2. Our speaker will be Heidi Fox - she will share her story on how God led her to begin a catering business. She will also share some cooking tips with us and some yummy recipes - one that you will take home with you!
Coming on December 16th we will be having our Christmas Party. I mention this date now because we will be having a gift exchange. It was so fun last year, we have to do it again. But this requires you to look around your house and find something you would like to pass on to another mom that can use it. For example - I still have a few baby gifts for Sarah that have never been worn and I also have several unopened bottles of lotion. I am sure some lucky mom would enjoy one or two of these items. Bring gift wrapped.
See you soon!
Monday, November 24, 2008
-Two packages of tiny macaroni noodles (not the elbow macaroni, but one step down from that)
-Sweet pickle relish
-Canned pimientos 8oz OR Sweet red peppers
-Chopped olives (2 cans)
-Best foods Mayonnaise
Add all of these things together in a big tupperware bowl so that you can cool everything after it has been made. It requires quite a bit of mayonnaise so add to your liking (taste test). When you pull it out of the refrigerator, you'll need to stir it again. The next day it tastes the best after its had time to get nice and cold.
*submitted by Michelle Stephens*
Ham & Scalloped Potatoes
-Peel 8-10 potatoes
-Cubed ham or half of a ham (cut up into squares)
-Cheddar cheese slices or shredded cheese (preferably cheddar)
To make the sauce in a saucepan, you want to add 6 tbs of flour, 6 tbs of butter, 3 cups of milk, chop 1/4 of an onion.
Start out by melting the butter, then add the flour. Stir with a wisk until its no longer lumpy. Add 3 cups of milk slowly.
Cook on medium heat until thick. Then after the potatoes have all been peeled, cut them up in slices horizontally. Start making layers following this pattern: potatoes, ham, chopped onion, then top with cheese.
*submitted by Michelle Stephens*
Apple Pan Goodie
4- 5 medium apples pealed and sliced
3/4 cup craisins
6 Tbs brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon divided
3 Tbs butter
6 eggs
1 1/2 cup orange juice
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 tsp salt
2 Tbs sugar
- Saute apples, craisins, 3/4 tsp cinnamon, and brwn sugar until apples are soft.
- Put the apples into the bottom of greased 9x13 pan
- Blend eggs, oj & salt until smooth
- Pour egg mixture over the apples
- Sprinkle with sugar & 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
- Bake 425 for 20-25 minutes
**I used a mixture of apples & pears. And any size pan works, just make sure to
bake until a test stick comes out clean in the middle.**
*submitted by Ginny Taylor*
Thursday, November 20, 2008
11-18 Meeting
On Tuesday we had a great time of fellow shipping, eating great food of course, hearing a guest speaker and a craft.
The guest speaker was Kathy Seregow. She is a pre-school teacher, pastor's wife & a mom. She was just wonderful to listen to.
The craft was simple one - decorating envelopes to hold our coupons in. And then we put all the envelopes on a ring for easy handling. I had to leave before MOPS was over so I didn't get to see some of the finished projects. Above are mine that I did this morning.
Kathy spoke on Gratitude/Gratefulness. A few things jumped out at me that were said and I will share those with you:
- You will never coast into Joy but you must take it by the horns.
- Di satisfaction happens when our focus shifts from what we have to what we don't have.
- Albert Einstein said "There are two ways to live, As if nothing is a miracle and As if everything is a miracle.
One of the last thing's she did was challenge us to take 5 minutes a day and spend it with the Lord. I know we all get busy, but 5 minutes is possible if we just set it aside.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Chicken Broccoli Curry Casserole
1 cup sour cream
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1-3 tblsp of curry (depending on how much you like curry seasoning)
4 tbls of milk
1-2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 cups of plain bread crumbs
4 lrg chicken breasts (this works well with lots of chicken)
1 small onion diced
2-3 cups of RAW broccoli florets ( do not use frozen)
Cooked Rice
- Cut chicken into chunks and saute with the onion
- In separate bowl mix soup, sour cream, curry powder and milk
- Add broccoli and chicken to the sauce mix and mix well
- Spray a 13x9 baking dish with non-stick spray & dump the entire mixture into the dish
- Top with cheese and bread crumbs
- Bake 350 for 50 min until tender
- Serve over a bed of rice
*submitted by Gina Detlor*
Tortellini-Basil Soup
1 9oz pkg fresh cheese tortellini (I get the two pack at Costco)
1 15.5 oz can of cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup chopped tomato
1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh basil
1 tblsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 teas salt
1 teas fresh ground pepper
- Bring broth to a boil. Add tortellini, cook 6 minutes or until tender. Stir in beans & tomato.
- Reduce heat to simmer for 3-4 mins or till thoroughly heated
- Remove from heat, stir in balsamic vinegar, basil and salt.
- Ladle into bowls and top with sprinkle of pepper
*submitted by Gina Detlor*
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Gina's Hasbrown Casserole

2lbs frozen shredded or cubed potatoes
1/2 cup melted butter
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cups cheddar cheese (shredded)
8 oz sour cream
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 small onion
2 cups crushed cornflakes
1/2 cup melted butter
Combine the first 8 ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
Spray a 13x9 pan with some non-stick cooking spray.
Dump the mixed ingredients into the pan.
Pour on crushed cornflakes and drizzle over the top the second 1/2 cup of butter.
Bake 45 min at 350
*submitted by Gina Detlor*